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ARTISTAS POR LA PATAGONIA is a group of artists from Chubut and Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA, that was created under emergency circumstances in order to support the victims of the fire in La Patagonia. Established by local artists: Valentina Cooke, Francisco Cooke, Antú Godoy, Erica Mariana Machelett and Gaspar Benegas.
#AristasPorLaPatagonia #MakeArtNotWar


Just to let you all know, we are supporting the audiovisual and design content of an upcoming campaign of The Save Movement, an amazing "worldwide network of Save groups bearing witness to farmed animals and promoting veganism and love-based, grassroots activism".

Follow us for more updates and info of our collaboration :)

#TheSaveMovement #DiegoEchaveFoundation

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